Packages changed: glibc lunar-date (2.9.3 -> 3.0.1) patterns-base permissions rubygem-rubocop (1.57.2 -> 1.58.0) === Details === ==== glibc ==== Subpackages: glibc-32bit glibc-devel glibc-extra glibc-lang glibc-locale glibc-locale-base nscd - aarch64-rawmemchr-unwind.patch: aarch64: correct CFI in rawmemchr (bsc#1217445, BZ #31113) - Remove systemd from shadow and gshadow lookups (bsc#1217220) ==== lunar-date ==== Version update (2.9.3 -> 3.0.1) Subpackages: liblunar-date-3_0-1 lunar-date-lang typelib-1_0-LunarDate-3_0 - Update version to 3.0.1 * Use localized interface * Change project option names * Change license to LGPL-2.1 ==== patterns-base ==== Subpackages: patterns-base-apparmor patterns-base-base patterns-base-basesystem patterns-base-basic_desktop patterns-base-console patterns-base-enhanced_base patterns-base-minimal_base patterns-base-selinux patterns-base-sw_management patterns-base-transactional_base patterns-base-x11 patterns-base-x11_enhanced - Remove scout: the cnf handler has been rewritten in rust and no longer relies on scout/python. ==== permissions ==== Subpackages: chkstat permissions-config - Remove dependency on /usr/bin/python3, making scripts to depends on the real python3 binary, not the link. bsc#1212476 ==== rubygem-rubocop ==== Version update (1.57.2 -> 1.58.0) - updated to version 1.58.0 [#]# 1.58.0 (2023-12-01) [#]## New features * [#12420]( Add new `Lint/LiteralAssignmentInCondition` cop. ([@koic][]) * [#12353]( Add new `Style/SuperWithArgsParentheses` cop. ([@koic][]) * [#12406]( Add new `Style/ArrayFirstLast` cop. ([@fatkodima][]) [#]## Bug fixes * [#12372]( Fix a false negative for `Lint/Debugger` when used within method arguments a `begin`...`end` block. ([@koic][]) * [#12378]( Fix a false negative for `Style/Semicolon` when a semicolon at the beginning of a lambda block. ([@koic][]) * [#12146]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/FloatComparison` when comparing against zero. ([@earlopain][]) * [#12404]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment` when aligned `rescue` in `do`-`end` numbered block in a method. ([@koic][]) * [#12374]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/SpaceBeforeSemicolon` when a space between an opening lambda brace and a semicolon. ([@koic][]) * [#12326]( Fix an error for `Style/RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces` when method call for parenthesized no hash double double splat. ([@koic][]) * [#12361]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Naming/BlockForwarding` and `Style/ArgumentsForwarding` when autocorrection conflicts for anonymous arguments. ([@koic][]) * [#12324]( Fix an error for `Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment` when using `rescue` in `do`...`end` block assigned to object attribute. ([@koic][]) * [#12322]( Fix an error for `Style/CombinableLoops` when looping over the same data for the third consecutive time or more. ([@koic][]) * [#12366]( Fix a false negative for `Layout/ExtraSpacing` when a file has exactly two comments. ([@eugeneius][]) * [#12373]( Fix a false negative for `Lint/SymbolConversion` when using string interpolation. ([@earlopain][]) * [#12402]( Fix false negatives for `Style/RedundantLineContinuation` when redundant line continuations for a block are used, especially without parentheses around first argument. ([@koic][]) * [#12311]( Fix false negatives for `Style/RedundantParentheses` when parentheses around logical operator keywords in method definition. ([@koic][]) * [#12394]( Fix false negatives for `Style/RedundantReturn` when `lambda` (`->`) ending with `return`. ([@koic][]) * [#12377]( Fix false positives for `Lint/Void` when a collection literal that includes non-literal elements in a method definition. ([@koic][]) * [#12407]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/MapToHash` with `Layout/SingleLineBlockChain`. ([@koic][]) * [#12409]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Lint/SafeNavigationChain` when ordinary method chain exists after safe navigation leading dot method call. ([@koic][]) * [#12363]( Fix incorrect rendering of HTML character entities in `HTMLFormatter` formatter. ([@koic][]) * [#12424]( Make `Style/HashEachMethods` aware of safe navigation operator. ([@koic][]) * [#12413]( Make `Style/InverseMethods` aware of safe navigation operator. ([@koic][]) * [#12408]( Make `Style/MapToHash` aware of safe navigation operator. ([@koic][]) [#]## Changes * [#12328]( Make `Style/AutoResourceCleanup` aware of ``. ([@koic][]) * [#12412]( Enhance `Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation` to handle conversion methods with defaults. ([@fatkodima][]) * [#12410]( Enhance `Lint/SelfAssignment` to check attribute assignment and key assignment. ([@fatkodima][]) * [#12370]( Make `Style/HashEachMethods` aware of unused block value. ([@koic][]) * [#12380]( Make `Style/RedundantParentheses` aware of lambda or proc. ([@koic][]) * [#12421]( Make `Style/SelfAssignment` aware of `%`, `^`, `<<`, and `>>` operators. ([@koic][]) * [#12305]( Require `rubocop-ast` version 1.30 or greater. ([@sambostock][]) * [#12337]( Supports `EnforcedStyleForRationalLiterals` option for `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators`. ([@koic][]) * [#12296]( Support `RedundantRestArgumentNames`, `RedundantKeywordRestArgumentNames`, and `RedundantBlockArgumentNames` options for `Style/ArgumentsForwarding`. ([@koic][])